Quality Family Time: Volunteering Together.
Updated: Jul 20, 2021
So often we women-entrepreneurs feel guilt for not spending enough time with our family, not being there when they need us. There is no reason to feel it. All we need to do is to find balance in work and motherhood. And often it could be something unexpected that may kindle our relationships with family members.
One of the ways to do it is to be helpful in the community together. For moms with younger children – you can be such a great example of a strong socially responsible person. If you are looking to spark a connection with your teenager – sharing volunteering opportunities at his/her favorite place or sports could be rewarding and healing. And spending more time with your elder parent can become a joyful time if you help a local cause together. This experience will stay with you and your loved ones forever. Also, consider that there are plenty of networking opportunities when you volunteer. Not only you meet new people, get a chance to introduce yourself and your business, but you can also invite them to become your customers and referrals in the future. And finally, as an inspirational leader, you have a great chance to show your employees and community that you care, that your business represents something more than profits, goals, and KPIs.
Here are some great examples of charities you can support with your younger children (under 13):
Pack lunch boxes for less affluent kids and deliver them to Kids’ Meals
Gather your kids’ friends and go to the nearest park to clean the area – Earth Day every day!
Volunteering opportunities with your older children
Food Bank is a great option for small and large groups – it can even be a “team-building” event with your company and their children.
If your kid is into nature and animal caring – try this Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary.
For volunteering with your parents, there are no limits. You can do something fun like volunteering at events, you can do something helpful like Meals on Wheels or Dress for Success, or you can join groups of active businesswomen in the area and volunteer with those groups.
One important thing to remember - giving to the community you live in is an incredibly rewarding experience. It energizes people; it gives us, busy women entrepreneurs, time to stop and acknowledge how fortunate we are, time to find a balance between work, community time, and motherhood.