Grow Your Small Business by Elevating Video Content
It is about time we all realize the importance of video in digital marketing. People stream video content in all forms and fashions, younger generations seriously consider becoming full-time vloggers. So how do you make your video content useful, professional, searchable, and helpful for growing your business?
First, we would recommend checking this WCE blog on Video Content Marketing. You can stream and post high-quality video content through your business's social media pages, YouTube channel, and other platforms to engage with your target audience and grow your small business. We would not recommend uploading more than 3-4 videos on your website though – it would greatly impact the overall volume of your website and decrease downloading speed as well. Diving your customers back in forth from your website to your YouTube channel should be a good practice.
Use your website to offer your customers to learn more about your small local or big national business by sending them to a very well-curated YouTube channel (make sure that your branding is consistent on all platforms). And use your videos on social media and your business YouTube channel to funnel your potential clients to the landing pages and information on your website.
Second, for detailed video hacks, presentation, and promotion of your business through the camera lens, sign up for an upcoming Business Workshop from Women’s Council of Entrepreneurs “Learn How to Use Video to Grow Your Business” with Aja Vickers. You can join in person to increase opportunities for networking with other female local business owners, or you can join online.
Third, if you are not convinced how important is your video representation for expanding small business, your confidence on camera, check these stats from Hubspot:
· 97% of marketers say video has helped increase user understanding of their product or service
· 76% say it helped them increase sales
· 47% say it helped them reduce support queries
· 76% say it helped them increase traffic
· 80% of marketers say video has increased dwell time on their website
If you want to learn other ways to promote and grow your small local business, check our blog “Promote My Local Business Online For Free” for useful tips and online hacks.